3.54 Release Notes ------------------ + Instead of launching each application in a separate JVMs and ports, all applications are consolidated can be launched from one single JVM and port. If you still prefer to launch each application in separate JVM, it can be done also. For more details refer to: https://blog.tier1app.com/2020/10/11/consolidating-apps-in-to-one-jvm/ HeapHero: --------- + In Earlier release HeapHero parses the heap dumps using it's internal engine. Now you can also configure HeapHero to parse the heap dumps using Eclipse MAT as well. For more details refer to: https://blog.tier1app.com/2020/10/11/configuring-heap-dump-analysis-tool/ GCeasy: -------- + Shenandoah GC log parsing has been enhanced to print all GC phases details + Minor bug fix has been made in CMS GC parsign logic. In certain corner cases, tool was reporting wrong generational size